Curriculum Intent


Our aims for the curriculum are articulated through our whole school curriculum intent:

Burntwood school provides a broad, balanced and rich curriculum to give students a school experience which fosters intellectual curiosity and an enjoyment of learning

Our curriculum is underpinned by the understanding that young people have inalienable rights.

It supports the development of ambitious, articulate and resilient young people who are equipped with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to take their place in society as the women of tomorrow.

At Burntwood School, we believe in providing all students with a broad, balanced and rich academic curriculum that both challenges and excites. Our curriculum is tailored to reflect and respond to our school community and we continually strive to develop and refine our offer to ensure all students actively engage in an exceptional educational experience.

All students follow the National Curriculum but we aim to go beyond this by providing a wealth of enrichment, super-curricular and careers and work-related learning experiences. At Key Stage Four, the vast majority of our students study the English Baccalaureate (comprising English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Languages) plus two additional GCSEs. This balanced offer provides our students with the breadth and depth of curriculum necessary to thrive in the next stage of education and beyond.

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