Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC)

We are excited to announce that Burntwood School has been awarded the Gold Award for SMSC Development! This achievement highlights our commitment to fostering a well-rounded education for our students.

Please click here to view our SMSC report & Certificate.

Burntwood School promotes Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education and the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, meeting the requirements of section 78 of the Education Act 2002.

Burntwood School actively challenges opinions or behaviours that are contrary to fundamental British values and promotes, amongst all staff, students and stakeholders, values of honesty, integrity, respect, resilience and self-confidence.

In order to suitably prepare all students for life, and to enable every member of our community to actively - and positively - contribute to the betterment of society, we promote core values which are clearly articulated through the school’s mission statement: ‘The best education today for the women and men of tomorrow’ and our Five Cs:


  • To provide a relevant and challenging education which enables all members of our community to reach their full potential.


  • To nurture creativity in students both in the classroom and beyond to help build cultural capital and instil an enjoyment of life-long learning


  • To encourage students to be ambitious, bold and independent, with a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to their own academic and personal development.


  • To build a community in which everyone is respected and valued and where students have pride in their school and play a positive role in society.


  • To empower all students to exercise their inalienable rights as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

The whole-school community works collaboratively to create a calm, positive and respectful environment which both recognises and celebrates students’ differences. Opportunities to represent and promote different faiths, cultures, religions and identities are seized upon both through the academic and pastoral curriculum as well as through wider school activities. Our aim is to ensure that every student and staff member feels safe, valued, appreciated and respected within the school community; furthermore, that all students are empowered to take proactive steps in making excellent academic and personal progress, irrespective of their starting point.

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