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Lower School Curriculum

Students in the Lower School follow the National Curriculum and have the opportunity to extend their studies in certain areas. The curriculum is balanced, and access to the whole curriculum is for all. The Year system allows each student's academic progress to be monitored both by their tutor and the Year Curriculum Co-ordinator.

During Years 7, 8 and 9, students study: English, Mathematics, Science, The Arts (Dance, Drama, Music and PE), Phsyical Education, a Modern Foreign Language, Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Education), Design Technology and Information and Communication Technology.

In Year 7 some students are withdrawn from lessons to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. From Year 8 an extended curriculum, including a second Language and Latin, is available for students who express an interest and show aptitude.

All students also follow a course in Personal, Social and Health Education with Citizenship in the curriculum. The Tutor groups are reorganised for the Upper School.