At Burntwood School, we have incredibly high expectations for all students in terms of attitudes to learning, behaviour and attendance. We are keenly aware of the importance of setting clear, consistent boundaries for all students to ensure they are equipped to thrive in the real world.
We expect all students to behave with honesty and integrity and to treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. In light of this, we have created a culture of mutual respect and kindness and expect all students to demonstrate both a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to their academic and personal development.
All students and parents/carers must sign the home-school agreement which has been designed to offer students and families absolute clarity regarding the school’s expectations of behaviour and attitudes. In order for all students to reach their academic and personal potential, the school must operate in a calm, orderly and respectful fashion, allowing every student full, uninterrupted access to the wealth of opportunities available.
At Burntwood, we value students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, as well as the promotion of fundamental British values; these core values permeate all aspects of our academic and pastoral curriculum to ensure we develop well-rounded and resilient young people who are prepared to rise to the challenges of the modern world.
To view key documents about Behaviour Policy & SMSC Click Here.