Q1) How do I report my child’s absence if they are unwell?
A1) Parents should inform school of their child’s absence on the day of absence before 8.30am. This can be reported via the school Xpressions app.
Q2) If my child arrives to school late, what should they do?
A2) Students are expected to be in registration at 8.35am for the register if they arrive to school after this time they should sign in at the student reception before attending class.
Q3) If my child is going to be absent from school due to an appointment, how should I communicate this?
A3) Please message the school via the Xpressions app or call us on 0208 946 6201. Please provide a copy of the appointment letter/ card on the first day back after an appointment.
Q4) How do I apply for a term-time absence for my child (e.g., to attend a wedding, go abroad)?
A4) Requests must be made on the “Request for Term Time Absence Form” at least 2 weeks before the required absence. You should email the form to info@burntwoodschool.com.
Q5) I have received notification of my child being absent from school. What do I need to do?
A5) Respond to the message via Xpression providing a reason for the absence.
Q6) Where can I find information regarding term dates and INSET days?
A6) The Burntwood website has this information under the ‘Parent’ tab. Alternatively Click here to be navigated to it
Personal details
Q1) How should I alert the school of a change of address or phone number?
A1) Changes are to be made on the green “Change of Details Form” which can be obtained from the Main Office, Alternatively, please send a message via the Xpressions app.
Q2) If I require support with my ParentPay account, who can I contact?
A2) Please send a message via the Xpressions app.
Q3) If I require support with the SIMS Parent App, who can I contact?
A3) Please send a request via the Xpressions app.
Medical Concerns
Q1) What should I do if my child needs to take medication at school?
A1) Students should inform the teacher that they need to attend the medical room to take their medication. Students are not allowed to carry any medication on them around the school for health & safety reasons. All medication is kept in the medical room.
Q2) If my child suffers an injury and is unable to move around school safely, how can they be supported?
A2) The school provides support by making sure all students feel safe around and within the school's environment.
Q3) Who should my child inform if feeling unwell?
A3) If your child is unwell, they should inform the teacher or an adult member of staff straight away.
Q4) What is the protocol if my child needs to attend the medical room?
A4) Students need to provide the medical room with either a signed planner or a note from the teacher. Notes should state the student’s name date, time and signed by the teacher.
Q5) Where is the medical room in the school and are staff First-aid trained?
A5) The medical room can be found in building one, ground floor at the Student Reception, where fully qualified first aiders can be found.
Q6) Do I have to complete a medication form and supply my own medication in school for my child?
A6) Medication is held in school. A form can be collected at the main reception, email or posted to you.
Parents/Carers must provide the school with all medication for their child.
Q7) What phone number do I call back on if I receive a voicemail message informing me my child is unwell at school?
A7) If you receive a message informing you your child is unwell at school, please contact the school on 0208 946 6201 to speak to a member of staff in the office. Please do not contact your child directly on their mobile number. Please can you make sure the school holds the correct and any updated contact numbers. Alternatively, you can contact the school via the Xpressions app.
Q8) Is there a School Nurse in school?
A8) The school nurse visits Burntwood School once a week.
School Policies
Q1) What is the school policy on mobile phones?
A1) Students are allowed to bring a mobile phone to school but are not allowed to use it during the school day. This applies to both in the classroom and out during break and lunch. If students need to contact home, they should visit reception to arrange for this to happen. Phones must be switched off and should not be seen. If phones are seen on site during the school day, they will be confiscated and a parent/carer or adult family member will need to collect the phone the following day.
Q2) What should my child do if they have lost an element of their school uniform?
A2) If your child loses part of their uniform and you are not able to replace it before the next day, please write them a note to pass to their YCC where they will be issued with a pass for the day or loaned a spare item.
Q3) How can I purchase new uniform for my child?
A3) Uniform can be purchased at our school Uniform Shop, located near the Main Reception in Building 1. It is open on Mondays from 2:30pm - 3:30pm and Wednesdays from 8:00am - 8:30am. It is also open on the 1st Saturday of every month from 9.00am - 11.00am. Opening times apply to term time only.
For further enquiries, please call 0208 333 3718. Uniform can also be purchased online direct from our uniform supplier. Click here to visit their website
Q4) How can I monitor my child’s homework and assessment results?
A4) Classwork, homework and assessment marks are shared in their exercise books, via Teams and in their reports and grade sheets. If you have a question about progress, send a message via the Xpressions app and a member of staff will get in touch with you.
Supporting your child’s pastoral and academic progress
Q1) What is the role of my child’s Tutor / DYCC / YCC?
A1) The role of the tutor is to be the first point of contact for a student each day. Tutors are a consistent member of staff who students register with every morning, and support students in ensuring they are organised and prepared for the day ahead. Students should report pastoral concerns to their tutor in the first instance. If parents wish to contact the tutor, send a message via the Xpressions app.
The role of the DYCC and YCC are to support the management of tutors and the year team. They have responsibility for overseeing your child’s pastoral and academic progress, including monitoring and intervention. This includes procedures surrounding attendance, uniform, and behaviour. DYCCs (Deputy Year Curriculum Coordinator) and YCCs (Year Curriculum Coordinator) (Year Curriculum Coordinator) have responsibility for contacting outside agencies, such as the Education Welfare Officer, Social Services, and health services.
Q2) How can I keep track of the homework my child is receiving and submitting?
A2) Homework is set either via Teams or on paper and recorded in their homework diary. We ask parents to sign diaries each week as it is a useful way for you to monitor the work they are set as well as communicate with staff.
Q3) How can I view my child’s homework and assessment marks?
A3) Teachers will set homework as an assignment on teams or will make a post tagging the class (parents will need a Teams log in) describing what the homework is.
Assessment and/ or Homework marks will either be in the exercise books/ folders or shown on a returned assignment on teams.
Q4) How do I access my child’s grade sheets and reports?
A4) Grade sheet and reports are sent home electronically using the Xpressions App, parents can request a hard copy of the grade sheet and report by speaking to the school office or messaging through the Xpressions app.
Q5) How can I find out my child’s achievements?
A5) Burntwood School utilises the Xpressions app to share students’ achievements with families. Through the app, parents can view their child’s achievement points, attendance and punctuality. Your child will have an achievement assembly each half term where they can be awarded badges, certificates and stickers based on their individual achievements and quantity of achievement points. Families are encouraged to attend Parents Evening and Parents Information Evenings to learn more about the school achievement policies and receive a detailed update regarding their child’s achievements in each subject area.
Q6) What is my child learning as part of the pastoral curriculum?
A6) Information regarding the pastoral curriculum can be found on the school's website. Click on the information tab and follow the links for Personal Development and then PSHCRE. Some topics included are Keeping Healthy, Personal Wellbeing, Social Education, Citizenship, Economic and Financial Capability, and Religious Education.
Q7) How can I find out the details of the extra-curricular opportunities available at school?
A7) Information regarding the extra-curricular activities at school are found on the school website. Follow the link Students and then Extra Curriculum and Enrichment. Here you will find information regarding school clubs, enrichment, master classes, sport teams, the dance festival, and the winter concert.
Q8) Do I have to pay for the extra-curricular activities?
A8) Most extracurricular clubs and enrichment events are free. If the school does need to charge, a letter stating the cost will always be sent.
Privacy Policy
Q1) Where can I find the Privacy Policies?
A1) All Privacy Policies are located at the bottom of the any page called "Privacy Policy" Alternatively Click here to be navigated to it.