Workshops - CPD workshops, Educare, Outstanding Teaching Programme
Each term there is a CPD meeting slot on the school calendar. This is a compulsory CPD session for all staff. The sessions are used to cover a variety of topics and to share good practice.
Past topics have included:
- Effective revision techniques
- Behaviour Management
- Assessment and feedback
- Supporting dyslexic students
- Targeting reluctant learners
- Student centred learning
- Speech, Language and Communication
- E-safety
- Supporting transgender students
- ASD—top ten tips
- Using Publisher
- Memorisation
Workshops are run by external speakers and internal staff. Look out for emails asking for volunteers.
Educare for Education is an online learning service that keeps you up to date with important and essential duty of care issues. The option to complete an Educare module is always part of our CPD workshops. You can also choose to work on these in your own time.
The modules are continually updated to ensure that the material reflects changes to legislation.
Options include:
- NSPCC Child Protection Awareness in Education
- NSPCC Child Protection Awareness in Sport and Active Leisure
- NSPCC Preventing Bullying Behaviour
- NSPCC Safer Recruitment
- NSPCC Child Sexual Abuse
- NSPCC Child Neglect
- NSPCC Child Protection – Staying Aware
- First Aid Essentials
- Basic Food Hygiene
- An Introduction to Equality and Diversity
- Fire Safety in Education
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Young People
- Samaritans Work Life Stress Management
- An Introduction to Data Protection
- Personal Safety
- Health & Safety in Education
Outstanding Teaching Programme
The outstanding teaching programme runs on three sessions throughout the year, usually as part of our Monday CPD workshop programme.
Topics include:
- Metacognition and self-regulated learning
- Questioning
- Low stakes testing
- Pedagogical content knowledge
- Formative assessment/assessment for learning
- Memorisation
- Effective group/pair work