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Anti-Bullying at Burntwood

What is bullying?

Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.  Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone involved.

Burntwood School does not tolerate bullying behaviour of any kind.  Staff as well as students take an active part in promoting a positive culture of respect and appreciation for all members of the Burntwood community.

Bullying is rare at Burntwood, however, we are never complacent and our systems to combat it are robust.

Anti-Bullying Key Staff:

Anti-Bullying Lead Teacher: Karin Junker

Senior Member of Staff:  Maja Zafirovska

Anti-Bullying Governor: Angela McIntosh- Best

Anti-Bullying Initiatives at Burntwood

We are proud to have been part of the Anti-Bullying Alliance since 2012 and are in the process of achieving the Anti-Bullying Quality Mark to reflect our pro-active stance on bullying.

We work closely with other schools in Wandsworth and across London, as well as with Wandsworth’s Children’s Services to share best practice.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
We have over 20 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors trained by the Princess Diana Foundation, a leading organisation tacking bullying. We regularly host other schools in continued and collaborative training and share good practice. Last year, Burntwood students helped to run activities in school for Anti-Bullying week and delivered an LGBTQ+. Anti-Bullying workshop to professionals from Merton and Wandsworth boroughs.


Peer-to-Peer Support Programme
A group of 20 Year 9 and 10 students who are specifically trained to support peers. Some of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been trained as Peer Mentors and have already worked with Year 6 students as part of their transition to Burntwood.  Speak to your Tutor, DYCC, YCC or Ms Junker for further information.

Transition Buddies
A team of 20 Year 8 students, attached to each Year 7 tutor group and 20 Year 9 students who are ‘Lead Buddies’. They are specifically trained to support Year 7 in their transition from primary to secondary school. They support students who might be finding it difficult to settle or those who may find it difficult to make friends.

PSHCRE Curriculum
The PSHCRE curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to learn about developing positive peer relationships as well as teaching students how to apply positive social and emotional skills when faced with increasingly challenging situations. 

In our e-safety lessons we explore how your online presence can lead you to being vulnerable to exploitation and sexual bullying. Key stage 3 focuses on the correct use of social media and texting. This is developed in Key Stage 4, in which our ‘Dangerous Loverboy’ unit deals with online sexual exploitation and its potential consequences. Online safety is a focus throughout the PSHCRE curriculum.

Anti-Bullying Websites
The Diana AwardBullyingUKStop Bullying