Lower School Prospectus

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important responsibilities you will undertake. The purpose of our prospectus is to give you information about our school to help you make that choice.
The school prospectus is updated annually. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the prospectus, please email info@burntwoodschool.com or contact the main school office on 0208 946 6201.
Click on the links below to download the school prospectus and the information booklet in PDF format.
To contact our admissions team please email admissions2024@burntwoodschool.com
240 places are available in year 7. 60 (Category 1) places are offered to girls who receive the highest scores in the Wandsworth Year 6 Test and 180 (Category 2) places offered to children in the order described in our admissions criteria which is detailed in our Admissions Policy.
Admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities
Burntwood School is an inclusive school and we welcome all applications. If your child has a special educational or medical need, we ask that you email as much information as possible about your child to us as soon as you have applied for a place. You can email directly to the SENCo - senco@burntwoodschool.com
This information means that we can ensure the school has the resources available to support your child when they start.
The information you provide is kept strictly confidential.
If your child has an Education Health and Care plan, you should consult with your allocated Local Authority advisor to discuss the suitability of Burntwood in advance of applying. We will meet with you and your child and provide additional support through the admissions process.
Please do not apply until Burntwood has been named in the EHCP as your application will be declined.
Interactive - Burntwood School Prospectus
Interactive - Burntwood School Additional Information Booklet
Burntwood School Additional Information Booklet
Appeal Arrangements
Applicants refused a place at the school have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Parents wising to appeal should be visit the Wandsworth School Admission Appeals Service for further information or call the Appeals Service on 020 8871 7554 for a paper form to be posted. The timetable for 2024's Year 7 appeals process will be available on the Admissions Appeal page.
In the meantime, please 2024 timetable below, for an understanding of the timeframes involved.
Admissions Policy
To apply for a place at Burntwood School, you must complete the Secondary Transfer application form for the borough in which you live (your home borough) and select Burntwood as one of your school preferences, e.g. if you live in Wandsworth, complete a Wandsworth Secondary Transfer form, if you live in Merton, complete a Merton Secondary Transfer form. It is important that you return your Secondary Transfer form to your home borough by the closing date of 31st October.
If your child is currently a pupil at another secondary school and would like to transfer to Burntwood School, applications must be made using the Common Application Form (CAF) from your home borough.
For admissions to our 6th Form, please visit our Burntwood 6th Form webpage.
For further information on the Admissions Policy Click here.