Blended Learning
All students at Burntwood School have their own Microsoft Office 365 log in details. This gives them access to a range of Microsoft apps, including Teams, our blended learning platform. Students can access these apps through the school website. A simple video with basic instructions on how to access, and use, the main features of Microsoft Teams can be found here- Teams, all students are members of online classrooms for each of their subject areas. Students are also members of an online year group which is part of our pastoral support for students.
On Microsoft Teams your child has access to:
- messages from their pastoral/year team through their year page.
- a list of the homework they are set and the deadlines for each task.
- resources for all lessons taught, including explicit instructions on how to complete the work.
- additional reading/suggestions from teachers on extension tasks that can be completed outside of lessons.
Parents who have provided their email address should also receive a weekly guardian email which lists the homework tasks their child has been set. We encourage parents to discuss these tasks with their child to help them to manage their workload and meet their deadlines.
We have found that students who learnt how to navigate Teams, and are confident with its use, feel more organised and in control of their learning. Our Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students have also found the resources invaluable in their revision for external exams.