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At Burntwood School we are committed to ensuring that students are given opportunities to develop their self-confidence, resilience and respect for others in order to become well-rounded, positive citizens.

In addition to our weekly focus on PSHCRE within lessons, which allows students to explore, debate and respond to issues such as personal wellbeing, sex and relationships, citizenship and discrimination, we have cultivated a school culture which celebrates our diversity and encourages respectful behaviour.

In order to ensure that all of our students are able to rise to the challenges of the modern world and are prepared for the next stage of their academic career, we have implemented our Resilience Programme, which equips students with the self-confidence and perseverance to succeed.  

Moreover, our weekly whole school and year assemblies, which are often led by students, provide an opportunity for the school community to unite and celebrate our achievements. Our assemblies allow students and staff the time to reflect on their role within the school and to consider how they can contribute positively to the school environment and the local, national and international community.

Each day we proudly fly a flag in order to mark special occasions, show respect for all cultures and traditions, and to reflect and celebrate the diversity of our school community. Additionally, through our strong pastoral system, and our high expectations of students, we ensure that every member of the Burntwood community possesses a clear sense of right and wrong as well as developing the ability to accept responsibility for their actions.

We seek to create a harmonious and aspirational community, which allows all students to understand and practise fundamental British values by:

  • Ensuring our pastoral and academic curriculum develops students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding and appreciation;
  • Equipping students with the self-confidence and resilience to rise to the challenges of the modern world;   
  • Allowing students to participate in and develop an appreciation of democratic processes;
  • Encouraging a culture of respect, acceptance and positivity which directly challenges discrimination, prejudice and intolerance of others
  • Providing ample opportunities for all students to enrich their cultural capital and to engage in activities which foster creativity, intellectual curiosity and a love for learning;
  • Nurturing an appreciation and respect for the local, national and international environment;
  • Empowering all students to develop their own voice and to articulate, respectfully and appropriately, their attitudes, views and perspectives whilst allowing others to do the same;
  • Enabling students to develop their leadership and resilience skills through initiatives such as: Unicef Gold Rights Respecting Schools, Student Council, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Sixth Form Leadership Team, Equalities Group, Year 7 Transition Buddies, Y12 Literacy Buddies, Student Librarians and Model UN amongst many others.

Burntwood School SMSC Policy