Sixth Form Enrichment Timetable
The Enrichment Programme at Burntwood is designed to give students the opportunity to develop a whole range of skills beyond the academic subjects. From September 2021, the school has provided block of time on a Wednesday afternoon with several sessions running. The students have been encouraged to sign up for an activity for the academic term.
These are some of the activities we have offered to students since September 2021. We plan to add more activities through the year depending on the availability of teachers, tutors, and instructors.
Academic Enrichment: Extended Project qualifications (EPQs), 3D Model Making, Buddies Reading Club, Science Club, Classical Greek Club, Mandarin Club and Debating Society.
Community: Student Leadership, Charities & fundraising activities, Academic Mentoring and Whole School Productions.
Sports & Wellbeing: Mindfulness, Football Touch Rugby, Yoga, Zumba and Scuba diving and Fitness Suite, etc.
Other: CV Workshop, International Film Club, Enterprise Club, Upcycling/Tie Dying & School Magazine.