Xpressions Parental App
XPressions Parental App is an online system which you can access either as an App from a smartphone or tablet - anytime, anywhere. XPressions Parental App will allow you to monitor your child's progress at Burntwood and receive important messages.
The app is completely free of charge to you and can be installed on your mobile phone or tablet. It currently supports both Apple iOS and Android devices and you’ll be able to see information for your children. You can also login on a web browser at https://xpressions.groupcall.com. If you have children in different schools and those schools also use Groupcall Xpressions, you will be able to view information on multiple children within the same app.
What do I need to do now?
Please ensure we have your correct mobile number and email address on our school database to ensure you can use the new app as soon as it is available. Forms are available from the school office to check and update your details or simply email them to the school. You’ll need to make sure you keep these details up to date in future to maintain access to the service. There is no obligation to sign up to the app, but the feedback so far from parents who have trialled it has been extremely positive. If you prefer not to use the app, you can still use info@burntwoodschool.com for anything related to your child.
What happens next?
Groupcall have set up the system in school so you can you can install the app and login in order to get access to your child’s information. Once installed and set up you will be able to see some or all of the following information depending on the school’s system:
- School notifications delivered directly to the app – We advise keeping push notifications on.
- Attendance records and absences - *This is not live and usually takes 24 hours to sync. Registers sometimes change due to trips, clubs, events etc..
- Siblings in the school on the same app.
- Achievement logs – Celebrate your child’s success.
- Behaviour logs – You can see how frequently and many your child has. Use this information to support them and the school.
- Timetable – Use this to see if they packed the correct books for the next day.
- School calendar – Know in advance the key dates.
- Report your child’s absence using the app.
- Message the school – This is currently monitored less frequently, so please use info@burntwoodschool.com for urgent matters or call the school.
- The SIMS Parent App will be phased out this year. You can still continue to use it until then.
Groupcall provide a dedicated support website for parents to also help you get up and running with Xpressions, or answer any common questions parents have on using the app: http://parents.groupcall.com